Southport after-school childcare
Kids Club Southport offers a safe and fun environment for children aged 4-14 in Southport. Our Out of School Programme is designed to help your child develop their skills and confidence through a range of activities. Contact us today and find out how we can help your child reach their full potential.

Kids Club Southport Programmes
Our programmes are designed to meet the Ofsted and School philosophy and values, while offering age-appropriate activities that encourage physical, intellectual, social, and creative abilities.
Homework at Kids Club
If children need to do homework at Kids Club, we can provide a quiet space for them to do so, and staff may provide support if needed.

Southport Breakfast Club
We offer a breakfast club program that provides a nutritious start to the day with a selection of healthy breakfast options. Our qualified staff members are committed to helping children have a positive and enjoyable experience.
Healthy After-school Snacks
At Kids Club Southport, we understand the importance of providing a healthy and nutritious snack for our after-school and holiday care sessions. We provide a variety of nutritious options, including sandwiches, cucumber sticks, cherry tomatoes, yoghurts, cookies and fresh fruit. We are also able to accommodate any special dietary requirements and allergies.

Daily routine
In order to ensure that the programme is a happy and safe environment for the children who attend and that it runs smoothly, the Kids Club Southport programme follows a structured routine. We vary the routine subject to the needs and desires of the children but a ‘typical’ After-school Club routine is as follows:
Linaker Primary School
Collection of children from the school hall
A list of attendees is sent daily to the school office. The teacher will make sure these children are brought to the school hall to be collected by office staff.
Any absentees are checked on and then children walk down to the club with the staff member.
Children are brought by office staff to an outdoor location to wait to be taken to the club and a member of staff will be there to greet them.
Any children in school clubs such as Football Club are brought down to Kids Club once these are finished.
Holy Trinity C of E Primary School
At Holy Trinity, a list of attendees is also sent to the office staff. Teachers are informed by staff who will be in the club each night and the Key Stage 2 children (7 upwards) make their own way to club. The infants are collected by staff.
In both schools children receive a snack and choose from a variety of indoor and outdoor resources weather permitting
Daily Format – After-school Club
(to be adapted subject to light and weather)
3.10pm- 3.30pm
Children arrive. Put away school bags. Registration and quiet activity or fun activity exploring the Theme of the Week
3.30pm – 4.00pm
Wash hands and recharge with a healthy snack
4.00pm – 5.00pm
Free play time (outdoors and indoors if desired)
5.00pm – 5.30pm
Planned fun activity of the day exploring the Theme of the Week or other indoor activity
5.15pm – 6.00pm
Tidy up, quiet time/homework time/free time before final collection.
Planned Activities – Exploring the Theme of the Week
Monday – Arts and Crafts
Tuesday – Music and Drama
Wednesday – Sport and Games
Thursday – Cooking & Technology
Frida – Fun Activities
Monthly themes are incorporated into the daily format. The daily format is an indication only of the types of activities the children will be involved in at any given time. However, depending on the children’s enthusiasm and interest, it may be varied at the discretion of the staff. Please note that due to the Covid-19 pandemic and the extra work involved in adhering to stricter guidelines for cleaning etc, it has not been possible to stick steadfastly to the above schedule.
However, arts & crafts, sports & outdoor games and fun activities are consistently part of our programme. In addition, Music & Drama sessions are occasionally run during Holiday Club by an experienced tutor for any interested children. Although behavioural rules apply in accordance with those of the school, children have the option not to participate in any given activity.
All Themes of the Month and Planned Activities are designed, above all, to be fun but are also structured to encourage learning and development of the children in line with the principles of the Early Years Foundation Stage and the National Curriculum. These principles are extended to be relevant for older children where appropriate.
Monthly Themes
Monthly themes are incorporated into the daily format. These may be chosen because of yearly calendar events or events of interest happening
in the UK or globally, e.g., Chinese New Year, Easter, Xmas. They may also link in with the children’s interests and hobbies, e.g., horses, dinosaurs.
All themes of the month and planned activities are designed above all to be fun but may also be educational and help with their academic learning.
Upcoming Events
We run a series of events throughout the year to celebrate holidays, provide play opportunities and engage parents. Check back here for all our upcoming events and contact us if you’re interested in attending.
Our next events: